Assist in ClickLearn Studio


4.1.1 Introduction

ClickLearn Assist provides an on-screen assistant that will guide you through the process on top of your live system.

When you have recorded your process on the system, you may start Assist from within ClickLearn Studio.

4.1.2 Start Assist

Please make sure that you have the right starting point on your system before starting the Assist.

Click on the list element Word 2013 document sample.

Click on the button Assist.
You may also press Alt+A.

Click on the button Ok.
You may also press Alt+O.

Click on the button Start.
You may also press Ctrl+Esc.

Click on the menu Word 2013.

4.1.3 Assist starting point

If you are testing the flow of your recorded Assist, you may want to start the Assist from a specific point, instead of starting from the first step each time.

It is possible to do so, when you are editing the recording.

Click on the button Edit.
You may also press Alt+D.

Right click on the list element you want as starting point.

Click on the menu Assist from this point.

Click on the button Ok.
You may also press Alt+O.

Click on the list element Blank document.

Click on the button Close.
